It’s been a long time coming but the UK is semi open. We are able to go shopping and out to eat providing the restaurants has an outdoor space. And I’m here for it.
Here’s a little round up on what I’ve been up to and places to eat......
I headed out to Oxford Street on the Monday. And to my surprise it wasn’t as busy as it could have been. Although I’ve been working, I wasn’t used to the intensity of how many people were in Selfridges. P’Mark was a no go for us because the queues were major. As there are a few Zara stores in the West End we managed to go to 2 as we were looking for various items. Over the last few weeks I have been creating a more curated wardrobe and there for have only bought items that I will wear for years to come.
Eating Out
I’ve been to a few places to go out to eat, as I write this I will be putting myself on a eating out ban. And of recent went to Alto restaurant based on the rooftop of Selfridges. The only thing about eating at the moment is that it’s still pretty cold in the UK, so you need a huge coat on top of a cute outfit.They are great to do from time to time. The money I save is amazing too.
Things to do
I have been continuing my walks, whilst the weather is great it’s just good to get out and go for a walk. Enjoying the sun and days out with friends of families. And I need to get those steps in throughout the weekend.
As I’m coming towards the end of training in a professional capacity, regular posts will be scheduled from the first week of June. It’s has been rather difficult to concentrate on this blog whilst studying and working on other things.
What’s new
As I have not been uploading much recently, I have had to change my blog schedule. I will be posting every 2 weeks for the time being. I miss my full blogging schedule but for now this is the best way until all my deadlines are complete. I cannot wait to get back to the blog and continue with the best routine. I cannot wait to show new content.
Fast forward a whole month....
Dear diary,
We are so close to the end of this entire thing. We can eat out with friends which I have not been doing so much of until this week. We are only able to Portugal without the least amount of hassle. Which I will take to be honest. And most importantly we are ‘allowed’ to see family and friends.
2020 was the year of learning for most of not all people around the globe. Whether they learnt new skills or just learnt how to be still or alone. 2021 is the year of reflection and growth in other ways too. Or at least that’s how I feel.
What have I been up to.....
Working on a major business project. My next professional move is just about to start and couldn’t be more excited, proud and anxious.
I have been training and writing essays throughout the last few months and that has also come to an end. Which has meant that blogging has been on the back burner. But as mentioned earlier I am back. With fresh new content and too much to write about.
I have continued to go on some of the most beautiful walks. Exploring new areas and old areas within London. For example Alexander palace and the views from there.
So tell a friend is back!!!!
What would you like to see more of? What topics have been playing on your mind?
X Alonyo X