Alonyo Kilama-Oceng

Life Reset : Tips

 Sometimes in life you need a reset and re shift. For most people that may come every few years and for some as often as every month or more...
  Lisbon  Its ok to take life slow . Is what I am telling everyone. And also if you are like me and taking time for yourself is difficult, ...
 Here we are in 2024. Lets start of with a disclaimer like I do most things when I feel a change happening. I want to be back in a routine a...
  Dear diary, The way I love to start a blog post. Here we are the last few days of 2023 with 2024 in the near distance. There is so many to...
Summer 2023 I spent a few days in the great place called Mombasa. The beautiful Kenyan Beach town was amazing in so many ways. I know there ...
 Its that time of year again. You know when the weather is cooler and all you want to do is wear the darkest or the mutest colours. I am one...
  October   is coming to an end. And that means only one thing. Cooler weather and shorter days. I love when the season change and the thoug...
  At the beginning of the year I told myself I’m going to throw myself back into my blog. At one point I enjoyed writing on the blog daily o...
 Lets take it back to May 2023 just a little bit...... Completed   There was something significantly professional that I completed towards t...
 Hi, I have said this many a time, but I mean it the blogs are back. The first half of this year involved me needing to focus on what I had ...
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