Dear diary,
The way I love to start a blog post. Here we are the last few days of 2023 with 2024 in the near distance. There is so many to be grateful for and also a lot to reflect over. For me 2023 has been a time of enjoyment and added value. Here goes the big review of 2023.
Added Value
I learnt even more so this year that not everything is for you. It is not by force that you need everyone in your life, or everything then and there. Its nice to have a slow relationship with others or to leave a situation which does not suit you. Added value comes in different forms and once you let go of things and people you have already added value to your life without even knowing.
A great routine is key and important in my life. Like a timetable making sure that things have been done. Getting into a routine has become the best thing, it makes me feel at ease with the day/week ahead. I take it even further and say I am a planner. I plan everything.
Health is Wealth
Working out and going for walks have been activities that I do. Not only does it keep me physically healthy but also mentally healthy. And the joy I get once i have done a workout is second to none. Also yoga and Pilates is also a great way to ease back into heavier exercise, but can also calm you down at the beginning and end of the day.
New Experiences
Although I love a routine, I also enjoy learning and doing new things. However I draw the line at heights. (LOL). And have created the ultimate bucket list but also the 2024 list of places I would love to visit and things I would like to do. 2023 I had visited places I had never visited before not to mention going to Uganda for 15 hours, which was definitely fun.
Learning so much and feeling very blessed moving into 2024. What are the things you have learnt in 2023?
X Alonyo X