New Year, New Goals :2022

(This post includes some affiliate links.)  

It’s always important to start the year with a plan. Something to work towards but also something to get excited about too. Long term goals are great but short term goals are also just as good. Sometimes the short term goals lead to the long term goals. I have a few private goals but these ones I’ll share as they may be similar to your own. Not only that I’m hoping someone will hold me accountable for them too.

Fitness and health
I really slacked towards the end of the year with my workouts. And it shows and I can feel it too. Believe me when I say it’s the worst feeling. In the new year my workload will be changing drastically which means that I have to schedule the gym and workouts a little differently. I always start the year by stating that I should be in the gym at least 3 times a week. But by May it’s more than that. Within fitness and health I want to do more walks like I did last year. Keeping my steps up not only helped my fitness but also my mindset. And I really enjoyed walking too.
Like with my fitness and health I became very unorganised towards the end of the last year. Overbooking and not having enough time to relax and focus of mental wellness. As I’m about to order a brand new diary I will be back to my organising ways. Where everything is colour coded and big tasks take priorities too.
Curated wardrobe
I’ve always wanted to create and have a more curated wardrobe. Anyone who knows me will see me mainly in black but the colour green is now added to my palette. I own a few classic pieces but this year would like to invest in more classic clothing and have two classic bags on my list too. Classics that will see me year in and year out no matter the season. As I become older I realise it’s all about quality not quantity.
The blog
So my aim for this blog is to upload a post a week. And continue writing about whatever is on my mind. After all this is my small corner of the internet and can use how I wish. One thing I want to do in the new year, in fact I will be doing is showcasing an individual every month the series will be called ‘All about them.’ and will be starting shortly. So if there is a woman who you admire, respect or just watch on social and has an inspiring story to tell. Let me know or if yourself have something interesting to say, even to promote your business it would be great to here from you too. Oh and let me not forget the travel aspect of the blog. Of course this area has been lacking but it will be picking up in 2022. (Let’s manifest this together.)
Mental wellness
Although I mentioned it in the health and fitness I thought I would write it separately too. This is one area that I would to put more time into, there are so many ways of how I will be doing so but I’m sure there are many other ways in which would work for me, so will be exploring this in 2022. Starting by reintroducing my weekly yoga sessions. Which served me so well in 2020 and some of 2021. Again my organisation and lack of didn’t give me enough time to do something that was such an integral part of my weekly routine. Also taking days or half days off within a working week. I’m sure I’ll be writing all about this in a separate blog post. And cannot wait to share it either.
So if you haven’t already set the intentions, write the 2022 goals list and get working on them as soon as possible. What goals have you got in mind? Have you started on them already?
2022 is about to be the best year!!!
Xx Alonyo xX

Outfit details 
Fitness top (similar)
Fitness leggings (similar)
Trainers (similar

Welcome Back: Lets Go 2022

Happy New Year to you all!

I've got that part out of the way now. But serious question how long into January can you even say Happy New Year. How have you been? How were your festivities? 

I had the best down time. As like many of us seeing family and friends was even more memorable this year as many of us were unable to see each other due to the state of the world. So here is a little catch up ( but more will be explained in blog posts to come.)

In regards to this blog I took a major hiatus. Mainly because I had a writing block and didn't really know what to write about or if I did when to upload it. But I am ready to write and feel refreshed. Many ideas and topics that I want to discuss in this space.

Socialising was very high during the festive period. Spent time with family and friends. And I am sure they may all agree that we needed that space and time. 

Little travel, because like many of you I am sure, travelling was difficult last year. So went to Wales to hangout with family. And I learnt more about myself and the pushed my physical capabilities. All of which will be put into an uploading blog too.

What's Next.....

I will be uploading a blog post every week . It will be on different days but will always go out at 7.30am of that day. And let me tell you I cannot wait to get back into it. 

With an addition in February 2022 too. Which I cannot wait for you to see. 

Lets get stuck into 2022. What goals do you have? Have you started? And what would you like to see on the blog?

X Alonyo X 

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