Manifesting and Effect

(Features some affiliate links.)

Originally I was going to write about vision boards and how to make it all work for you. But realised that manifesting was the aim of the blog post so decided to switch it up. This is more of tips that I use to encourage manifestation and motivation.

Vision board
At the start of the year I created a vision board that included many things that I wanted to complete. However 2020 as for many has not been the most ideal year to complete any a lot of the things. As soon as lock down started I went into creative mode. So what did I write about and what I have achieved and the ones I would like to share:
I wanted to restart, redesign and create more in this regard. An aspect of my vision board with a date. Although I set it up for it to be relaunched in May or June of this year. I relaunched in April. So I was ahead of my time. TICKED and COMPLETED on to the next.

Fitness and Health
The gyms have only recently been opened. But to be honest I am not going back to the gym until the cooler months probably September at the earliest. Currently I have been doing workouts at home. I wrote on the vision board that I would be doing workouts minimum four times a week. I now do six days a week. This week I managed to do seven workouts over seven days with two days off. Oh and water intake has gone up, still an interesting taste but its great for you.

Its all very well writing what I have achieved but how have I managed it..........

~Create a vision board and lists
This is so important. It gives you a goal and encourages you to get the things done. You can create the lists based on the vision board on a daily and weekly basis, whatever works for you. I always refer to the vision board on a Sunday which enables me to create the lists that I need to get me through the week. 

~Use cutouts, colours and photos.
Vision boards can work when you write slogans or quotes down. But also cut out photos or just download from the internet. Having photos and cartoons as well as words gives you a more realistic aim and focus. I am a visual person so from time to time I need to see photos to keep me going and motivated. 

As in where to put the vision board. I have mine right opposite my bed. Why? So I can see it every morning. It makes me feel great to see that I have achieved some but also that I need to keep going.

~Review and tick 
Once you have created the vision board or the list , make sure you are in constant review. Tick off the goals which you have completed. If there are new ideas and goals you have add them. Its always good to refresh what you want. 

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Get manifesting and vision boarding......
Is a vision board something that you have done? How has it worked for you? 
X Alonyo X


Summer Dress Edit 2020

We can socialise on a slightly bigger scale now, not every week zoom parties actual gatherings in parks and brunch with the girls. Finally am able to wear outfits which I had planned to wear. And after a great clear out EBAY (click the link.)  recently I have more space to fill. And I am loving dresses at the moment. 
Here are a few of my favorites that I am thinking about purchasing .............

Spottydress-New Look

Black Dress- New Look
Bright Red Satin Dress-New Look 

Dusky Pink Rhubarb mini tea dress

Yellow Floral Dress-Ted Baker 

JoliƩ Maxi Dress
Pink puff sleeve dress - New Look 

Some are currently on the way to me as I sit and type this up. I can wear most with canvas trainers, birkenstocks or wedges. 

What will you be buying? And what looks are you going out with?

                                           X Alonyo X 


How I Am Feeling........

(Affiliate links in this post.)

This was going to be a series of tips on how to relax. But everyone has their own ways of doing so. I do have a few tips but this is not a blog for it. 

With everything that’s going on in the world at the moment sometimes you need that space, that time to yourself. Away from social media, your phone and actual human physical interaction. The last few weeks we have been self isolating, with less social interactions to being able to fully socialise. And to be honest at first I thought wow ‘Parte after Parte.’ What’s not to like? And now I’m in a slump and just want to be at home, work from home and only hangout with those I actually want to hangout with. I realise that I can enjoy being by myself. Just doing me. And that concept is pretty mature if I do say so myself.

One thing that I have learnt and continue to learn in this thing we call life is: It’s all in the mind. What do I mean by that? I mean anything you want you can achieve. Write it down, dream it and be it. Focus on it and it will happen. so many goals I have managed to tick off without even stating to the masses what the goals I. Its between me, myself and I. 

Oh and the baking and the cooking. I’ve been doing a lot of that. And I am always interested in trying a healthier and greener option of the muffins and cakes I enjoy. The one thing I haven’t done over the last few months is buying cakes, cookies and biscuits. Simply because I make them myself and I know how  much 'rubbish' I’m putting in them. And that’s been great, did you know the healthier it is the more filling it is? Therefore you only eat one which is great for your body. That’s great maths in my head.

That's where I am at the moment . And some of you may have noticed that the normal schedule of blogs has not been happening. Well this is the I am back. With some great content on the way. However if you are missing the consistency you can find me on : INSTAGRAM (Click link.) and PINTREST (Click link.) 

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What have you been up to? What has the easing of lock-down meant for you?
Xx Alonyo xX 

June 2020: It has flown by.

(Written sometime in June.) 

Can you believe it is the end of June already. In the UK we are coming into the fifth month of lock down. As it becomes less restrictive, socialising with friends is becoming more of the normal, more shops are opening and so are some restaurants but with delivery services. There are more people out and about going to work too. 

The month of June took a new and different approach in hair maintenance for me. From doing my own weave which did not turn out that great. But at least I tried. To doing braids. I call it Crooky Boxy braids. (The Alonyo hybrid attempt of a braid.) But its all good because fresh hairstyles awaits not just for me but the entire population if they need a hairdresser. As hairdressers open on the 4th of July. 

I have been to a few small gatherings with friends. Which have been fun and which is  what I needed. Doing the Zoom parties was great in the beginning but to be honest that's not really my thing. So I am glad we can socialise on a slightly bigger scale now, with social distancing restrictions still. Alongside this I have been taking in more what nature has to offer. As well as a lot of baking and cooking. 

June has also seen the amazing open talk about racism. And it is so refreshing to see and hear the young of all backgrounds standing not only for what is right but also what they believe in. After all children and the young are the future. 

How are you all doing? 
X Alonyo X 
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