Its Ok ....



Its ok to take life slow. Is what I am telling everyone. And also if you are like me and taking time for yourself is difficult, then listen to your body. So here are a few ways of me taking it slow and making my current days abit more pleasurable. 

To do List 

As my weeks and days are not as normal and structed as before I can do things when I want. I am an organised person and having times attached to my to-do list is what I consider elite. Makes me feel like I have my ish together. I will do a To-Do list usually on the Sunday evening ready for Monday and the week ahead. There are no time restrictions unless there is a set meeting or appointment. I can just do it whenever. And I love it. Being flexible in my current situation has made me appreciate life in different aspects so much more. 


Every morning and before I go to bed I journal. I like to think of it as a therapy session on paper. Not only do I write about my day and how it went but also some goals for the next few days and also daily gratitude. Not to mention it is a great way to have a brain dump too.


Relaxing the mind and body has never seemed so appropriate in my life until now. Taking a few minutes out of your day to any of the above gives you a clearer mind, a refresher approach to the day too. 

Look and Smell Great 

As I am confided to the realm of my home and will be for a while. Nothing makes me more determined to cease the day then looking like I have somewhere to go. And if you work from home you may feel the same way too. I have an outfit ready and put perfume to get ready for the day. Which brings me to.....

Self care beauty 

As time is not of the essence for me currently. I can take my time with my skincare and body care routines. Nothing is more luxurious than step by step skincare and using all the accessories that you own to make your skin glow. And most importantly taking your time to indulge in all those products you don't usually have time to enjoy. 

: Very important and self explanatory. But I am doing more of the airplane mode type sessions and putting the phone in a drawer in a back room somewhere. And it makes me feel more free.  TRY IT.

And in the spirit of doing things when I want. I wrote this morning. Because why not a great start to the week ahead. So have a great and a successful week. 

X Alonyo X 


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