How to Stay Motivated

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Its taken some time to get use to the 'New Normal' , a lot has changed around us. (You are probably sick of reading these few words.) But it is true some changes have been for the good. But how to remain motivated remains in the forefront of the minds of most of us. Here are a few tips that I have kept in maintaining motivation in the most positive way possible.

Vision Board
Every so often I will update my vision board. And due to recent circumstances that the world is in I have had more time to reassess what means more to me. Also I have successfully ticked many aspects of the vision board of. One of them was to relaunch my blog. (Here we are.) A vision board gives you a focus and may work as an inspiration everyday. My vision board is right opposite my bed so I can be reminded when I wake.

Listing in itself may appear as a chore. But it is probably one of the most therapeutic things that I can do with my time. Create a list at the start of the day or at the end of the day. A list of things you want to achieve. Its completely up to you if you want to do it for the week or for each day. Make sure it is manageable. I only have 5 things on my daily to do list, if I get through them quick enough I then go on to the next day.
Some items I use:

It can be a nice long walk in the mornings or a mid day workout. I have come to realise that this is a great way to reconnect. A good workout can be the best when you want to break up your daily routine. Morning exercise before work and pump the endorphin's to get you ready for the day. I love doing a run on a Monday morning it sets the tone for the rest of the week, that it will be a success.

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If you are not in the 'normal' working environment and are currently working from home. Pick up the phone or send a message to colleagues and friends. Host a group chat, but don't just talk about work though. I have only just started hosting a family sister session every Sunday. And it is great. We hold each other lovingly accountable to the goals which were set the previous week, its a peaceful space for all to share goals and express positivity before the start of the week.

When your body and mind tells you that it has had enough. Listen to it. Take the nap that you need again to break up your day. Put your favourite tunes on in the back as you sit and do wind down for the latter part of the working day. It works, if I could play music whilst I do all my work I would but , I know some of my concentration will go out the window.

How do you stay motivated? What are you go tips on staying motivated? 
X Alonyo X

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