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I wrote this when I started my business in September 2019.
Officially A Business Owner
As I had mentioned in my first past after a few months, I am a Business Owner/Boss/CEO. Oh but I still work and am studying too. A multifaceted woman I am. And I am proud of this. Earlystars is my baby. It took me a lot of time, patience and determination to start and follow through with this company. Within this post I will be discussing the ‘EUREKA’ moment and my review of the first few months of setting up my company.
I have been working as a professional for about 10 years and I wouldn’t have it any way. I have been fortunate to have held some Senior roles within my profession. Learning skills and building the knowledge I need to be the best in the game. (Or as it were.) I have had some supportive and great colleagues who I still look up to, to this day. Those who I have learnt a lot from, some of who I still work in collaboration with today. I am glad to say most of who are still close friends of mine and contact them for life and professional advice.
Lets get straight into it the moment I realised I wanted to be my own boss.
The lightbulb finally switched on in my mind about my future and what I wanted to accomplish. Although it can be said that what you plan never really goes to how you plan. Having a goal though never hurt anyone, and this is a mantra that I live, work and play by. Having so many professional opportunities given to me through a growing customer group I decided to start my company but give the jobs to close family and friends. When I couldn’t do the job myself, kind of like a subcontractor. Customers wanted ‘Alonyo’ to with them. And sometimes it became difficult to keep the customers happy. So I grew a team so that those with my similar dispositions could go and work. They are working on their own terms and because they love the job. That’s how Earlystars originally started. Having built upon the skills of creating I decided to take my idea one step further. Learning how to create a website, App and programmes. I embarked on creating content for the professionals within the area. Making it accessible for all. In my various roles within the industry I had created content. The only thing I had to was update and seek approval for images to allow me to sell. (I will discuss this in a later post within this series.)
So what is it like to own a business? Let me tell you this it is not easy by any stretch of the imagination. There is a misconception of a CEO. No one ever tells you the lows but only the promotion of their business. I have seen how my brother has dealt with his own business (NUTTHING) and after watching him graft I knew a business owner was my next step. Imagine I looked at my younger brother for inspiration. He is doing things and I am so proud of everything that he continues to attain. I have put in long evenings, cancelled social events because I set myself deadlines. And it’s difficult because you want to be there for family and friends but it sometimes takes a toll on all areas of your life. From dealing with time management to dealing with customers and contributors it can be too much. There are a lot of areas which sometimes you may oversee, and that need immediate action. It continues to be my biggest teacher of the Business and corporate world. I wouldn’t change it for anything!!!
Phew the first one written! I knew I wanted to write a piece like this. But I didn’t know how to write something that is so personal but with a professional spin on it. (Or vice versa.) There will be a lot coming from the CEO edition. If there are any questions which you have about Business or where to start? (I am not an expert everything I am learning this through the experience of it all.) Please let me know.
12th April 2020
I have been able to concentrate on the business some more. I will be doing an updated blog very soon.
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Let me know your questions. Have you started a business? What stage are you at?
And what are you doing to keep those business goals alive?
X Alonyo X
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